Team Assessment: The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team™ Report

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What are the Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team?

  • Building Trust
  • Mastering Conflict
  • Achieving Commitment
  • Embracing Accountability
  • Focusing on Results

What is the Team Assessment Assessing?

The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team has a Three in One Assessment, which includes:

  1. Personality Style/Type Questions – Full adaptive version of Everything DiSC™ or All Types™.
  2. Team Survey Questions: Addresses how the team scores in each of The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team.
  3. Team Culture Questions: Addresses broad aspects of the team culture – common examples of conduct that can influence The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team.

Why is a Personality Assessment part of the Team Assessment?

Individual team members bring their personalities to the team, and individual personalities impact the team and team effectiveness. When doing a team assessment with the goal of building the team and developing teamwork, awareness to our own and other personality styles is critical to the process and success.

What’s included in the Five Behaviours Team Assessment?

The Five Behaviours Team Assessment is a comprehensive 35+ page report. In the report, there is an introduction to the Five Behaviours, an overview of the overall scores for the team in each of the Five Behaviours, as well as a summary of the team’s top strengths and challenges with points of discussion based on the team’s results. All of this supports the team with identifying the best actions for the team to take to become more cohesive with The Five Behaviours. In addition, there is detailed reporting and insights on each of the three areas of the assessment.

1.) Team Survey Results

Detailed results for how the team scored in each of the Five Behaviours, which includes the points below.

  • The definition of the behaviour.
  • The team’s average scores for each of the questions asked that combine to provide the overall score for the behaviour.
  • The distribution of how the team members scored each of the questions on a five point scale of ‘Almost Never’ to ‘Almost Always’ i.e. How many team members answered ‘Almost Never’, how many team members answered ‘Rarely’, how many team members answered ‘Sometimes’, how many team members answered ‘Usually’, and how many team members answered ‘Almost Always’. Names of team members absolutely remain confidential; the team just knows the distribution of scoring. This adds a richness to team dialogue and workshop activities for the team to really be able to identify opportunities to become more cohesive.
  • Insights, based on the team’s assessment and results, on what the distribution of the scoring means and what the average scores means for the team.

2.) Team Culture Results

Detailed results for how the team scored in common examples of conduct that can influence culture and The Five Behaviours, which includes the points below.

  • Further insights on actions that the team can take to increase their effectiveness with each behaviour to be a more cohesive team. Further insights include what actions are needed to achieve: more trust, acceptable conflict, buy-in for commitment, greater accountability, excellence with team results and avoiding distractions.
  • Points for discussion for the team based on their team culture results.

3.) Personality Style Results

There are two options for personality assessments available for the team to use with The Five Behaviours Team Assessment: All Types™ or Everything DiSC™.  Both are beneficial, and more than anything, it’s about the team’s preference, if they have one.

  • Throughout the Five Behaviours Team Assessment/Report, the team and each individual team member is provided with information on how their personalities impact/influence each of the Five Behaviours: Building Trust, Mastering Conflict, Achieving Commitment, Taking Accountability, and Focusing on Results.

How to Get a Team Assessment and Report for The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team?

To get the Five Behaviours Report, a team needs to have three or more team members, and each team member needs to complete the online assessment. There are two options available for getting the team assessment and report.

  • Purchase the Five Behaviours Report through our online store, and within 24 hours each team member will be sent a link to complete the assessment.
  • Purchase the Five Behaviours Report and the Workshop by contacting us to coordinate the details and get a quote.

Want more information?

  • View a sample report here.
  • The Team Assessment is backed by proven research. Get the Research Report here.
  • More questions, please contact us.

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