Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace:

Introducing the Must-Know Factors for Leaders and Teams

Employer responsibilities are being redefined as the health, legal and business case continues to build for an organization’s duty to protect, promote and accommodate not just the physical safety, but the psychological health and safety needs of employees. A supportive work environment can reduce the onset, severity, impact and duration of mental distress and illness. Employers, leaders and teams all play a role with doing the right thing. The primary outcome of “Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace: Introducing the Must-Know Factors for Leaders and Teams” is a learning experience that helps leaders at all levels develop their awareness of the 13 Psychosocial Factors. Leaders will also explore strategies and learn about resources to be able to take proactive actions to improve the psychological health and safety of their workplace.

By the end of the session, which includes interactive activities and discussions, your leaders and team members will be able to:

  • Explore the benefits and definitions of psychological health and safety in a work environment.
  • Account for the key points of the National Standard, including assessments and resources to support implementation.
  • Answer questions that help review possible exposures to risk or potential for improvement.
  • Work through the 13 Psychosocial Factors to prevent harm and promote health.
  • Determine commitments and next steps for taking positive action in the workplace.

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