Respectful Workplace Training

The Respect in Action professional development training program supports team effectiveness and productivity by providing awareness and resources to influence a workplace culture of respect. Through engaging exercises, the Respect in Action workshop assists employees from all types of positions and industries with the respectful communications and behaviours necessary, to establish the foundation to the key organizational and human resources principles of dignity, diversity, accommodation, inclusion, engagement, and accountability.

Learning Objectives

By the end of Respect in Action, presented in a workshop format that involves group discussions and activities, participants will be able to:

  • Define and calibrate the diverse meanings and impact of respect.
  • Distinguish how to be open minded to challenge points of view, including prejudgments.
  • Recognize attitudes as a choice through the characteristics and communication that we exhibit.
  • Summarize disrespectful behaviours that cause team dysfunction and conflict.
  • Grasp what are discrimination, harassment, and bullying.
  • Assess positive respectful behaviours that need to be developed to increase morale and engagement.
  • Work through a respectful communication approach to assess and address disrespect.
  • Account for the benefits of respect and our personal responsibility to the pillars of respect, being our attitudes, communication, and teamwork.
  • Prioritize and generate agreements for putting respect in action.

Benefits of Respect


  • Elevated reputation as an employer of choice, with positive employee views on the organizations ethical, moral, and legal obligations to a respectful work environment.
  • Greater employee loyalty, nurturing the respectful culture as a retention strategy, leading to decreased turnover.
  • Getting team members engaged with respect, and the changes necessary, through education and communication, participation and involvement, building support and commitment.


  • Decreased management/leadership time spent dealing with employee conflicts.
  • Enhanced work output, as nurturing the respectful culture impacts greater engagement among both employees who are currently engaged or disengaged.
  • Healthier employees, reduced stress, and less sick days.
  • Improved team effectiveness and teamwork, through a higher degree of social capital where relationships support cooperation and working together on shared goals and outcomes.
  • Strengthened revenues, cost controls, and/or efficiencies through heightened creativity, innovation, and sharing.

Client/Customer Satisfaction

  • Happier clients/customers, as organizational culture, engagement, and productivity impacts service and quality.

Organizational Culture

  • Higher level of organizational justice, through the fair and respectful treatment among employees, achieved by developing the skills and overall competence level with respect.
  • Increased understanding of the meaning of respect to everyone, considering dignity, diversity, accommodation, and inclusion.
  • Greater socialization of the organizational values around respect, through training that supports respectful communication, decisions and behaviours on a daily basis.
  • Leveraging a respectful culture as one component of a proactive approach to operate in accordance with provincial laws, standards, and policies for human rights and employee standards, and a preventive measure to abuse, harassment, and/or bullying in the workplace.

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