The ‘Human Rights at Work’ Workshop (available online, virtually and in-person)

Respectful Workplace Training for the Prevention of Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Bullying

With the increased diversity in the workforce, and greater needs to prioritize teamwork, employee engagement and ultimately productivity, an organizational culture supporting a respectful workplace is needed and legislated more than ever.

Many people first learn about respect during their upbringing. As a result, people may have learned different information, people may have practiced what they learned to different degrees, and people may have developed some good and bad habits.

Human Rights at Work supports greater understanding, by getting everyone on the same page with the skills and knowledge needed for a workplace free of discrimination, sexual harassment, and bullying.

Be proactive with human rights and protected grounds through this customized training; align your employees at all levels with both the laws and your organizational expectations for a respectful workplace.

During Human Rights at Work, delivered in a workshop format that involves presentation, group discussions and case studies, participants will:

  • Define respect and the impact.
  • Identify behaviours on the respect and disrespect continuum.
  • Verify the laws, including the Human Rights Code and Workers Compensation Act, for bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination.
  • Explain the concepts of protected grounds, reasonable person, intent, bona fide occupational requirements, duty to accommodate and undue hardship.
  • Account for examples and explore scenarios to determine what conduct is respect, disrespect, bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination.
  • Explain the “Speak Out” process, including resources available to help and a respectful communication approach to address disrespect.
  • Establish personal commitments for a respectful workplace.

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