Are you wondering what the code of conduct and ethics are for a Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisor?
Outlined below are the principles that guide all Psychological Health and Safety (PH&S) Advisors certified by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).
At Hone Consulting, these principles are paramount to all the work that we do in workplaces.
If you would like to know more, please contact us. We’re here to help in any and every way that we can to support the psychological health and safety in your workplace.
PH&S Advisor will adhere to the stated principles of the National Standard of Canada on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. PH&S Advisor will also reference the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace and other credible sources for best practices when making recommendations related to psychological health and safety.
PH&S Advisor will seek commitment from senior leadership. PH&S Advisor will advocate explicit commitment from senior leadership in both management and union for all organizations.
PH&S Advisor will facilitate participation of all workers. PH&S Advisor will incorporate strategies and approaches to encourage active, meaningful and effective participation of all workplace stakeholders in psychological health and safety planning and implementation.
PH&S Advisor will recommend an effective and sustainable implementation plan. PH&S Advisor will help employers establish a plan of action that includes measurements for evaluation, is embedded in the way they do business, has an accountability process for continual improvement, and is evidence and/or practice informed.
PH&S Advisor will protect confidentiality and privacy of individuals. PH&S Advisor will ensure that personal information of individuals is not included in reports and ask for aggregate data instead. PH&S Advisor will ask that discussions focus on broad concepts and avoid speaking about individual cases. PH&S Advisor will help the employer to review practices that may violate confidentiality and/or privacy.
PH&S Advisor will engage in peer collaboration where practical. PH&S Advisor will collaborate with other CMHA Certified PH&S Advisors as well as other individuals and organizations that share the commitment to advance psychological health and safety in the workplaces.
PH&S Advisor will work to reduce or eliminate stigma about mental illness. PH&S Advisor will continue to develop a deeper awareness and understanding of mental health issues and help ensure that the voices of employees experiencing mental health issues are being heard by employers.
PH&S Advisor will always work with the highest level of integrity. To ensure the integrity of its certification process, CMHA regularly and continually audits and inspects its programs and certification requirements to ensure that the information remains relevant and in this instance, consistent with the requirements of legislation and industry best practices. As a certified advisor, PH&S Advisor will be required to follow the course material as provided and become knowledgeable and aware of program updates or changes.
Click here for more information on Psychological Health and Safety services offered by Hone Consulting, CMHA Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisors.