Team Player Fundamentals – Module 2: Being Open-Minded (Online Course)

Module 2: Being Open-Minded from the Team Player Fundamentals course can be purchased as a standalone micro-learning training. This module challenges learners to explore the crucial difference between open-mindedness and closed-mindedness, emphasizing the importance of a deliberate approach to fostering an open-minded attitude. Participants will not only examine the underpinnings of our thought processes and how they influence our behaviour but also leave this this course with a clear, actionable framework for developing and practicing open-mindedness in everyday interactions and decision-making.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understanding Open-Mindedness: Identify the distinctions between open-mindedness and closed-mindedness and articulate the importance of choosing to be open-minded.
  2. The Thought Process and Behaviour: Grasp the mechanics of how our thought processes influence our behaviours and the significance of this relationship in fostering open-mindedness.
  3. Practicing Open-Mindedness: Calibrate and practice the four essentials to being intentionally open-minded: Objectivity, Probe, Expand, and Notice.
  4. Taking Action Toward Open-Mindedness: Determine actionable steps to embrace open-mindedness more fully in professional and personal contexts.

Why It’s Important: Open-mindedness is a cornerstone of effective teamwork and leadership. It enables individuals to approach challenges and opportunities with a fresh perspective, encourages the exchange of ideas, and fosters a culture of learning and innovation. This module provides the tools to break down barriers to open-mindedness, equipping participants with the mindset and skills needed to contribute to more dynamic, inclusive, and productive teams.

Real-World Application: Upon completion, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the value of open-mindedness and a practical toolkit for enhancing this quality in themselves and their teams. By applying the principles of objectivity, probing, expanding, and noticing, learners will be better prepared to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, leading to more effective problem-solving, decision-making, and collaborative success.

Enroll now to transform your approach and become a catalyst for positive change!

C$47.00 per member

For orders of 5 or more, please contact for a quote. (Discounts are available based on the total number of participants.)

Number of Seats:


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